A blog about outdoor adventure and Vanlife

TahoePix- The sunset you don’t want to see

Many avid outdoors people have had this experience at some point:  Watching the sunset when you are miles from your car and hours behind schedule.  Hurrying with every last bit of light, but knowing you will be trudging back in complete darkness.

I snapped this sunset pic on the Pacific Crest Trail on the spine of a ridge above 8000′ elevation.  It was just Daisy Trail Dog and I, and we had miles to go to get back to the car.  We came in hours after the sun had set.  What is beautiful by day, is eery at night in the halo of your headlamp.  Your world turns from sweeping vistas to the little sphere illuminated by the glow of your headlight.

At times like this the mental challenge overwhelms the physical.  Will I make a wrong turn? What was that noise in the dark?  What am I doing out here?

When your world is contained by the glow of your headlamp.

Daisy began to get sore feet from the granite scree fields, and I had to carry her across every rocky section (something I’m always happy to do).  I find myself talking to her a lot at times like this.  Unlike most human companions, she listens to every word.

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